
What’s the focus of this course?

Node.js is an open source, cross-platform framework running on Mac OSX, Windows, and
Linux. Node.js course has been designed to help developers understand and build web
applications with the help of JavaScript. Node.js is an event-driven, server-side JavaScript
environment that runs JavaScript using the V8 engine developed by Google. The course
focuses on various important concepts of Node.js and provides hands-on experience in
building HTTP server with Node.js, working with file system, buffers, stream, events, and
multi-processing in Node.js. The training covers Express.js, which is a powerful and
flexible web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and
mobile applications.

Fundamentals of JavaScript and ECMA scripts 2015

Introduction and Foundation

● Introduction
● The Node.js framework
● Installing Node.js
● Using Node.js to execute scripts

Node Projects

● The Node Package Manager
● Creating a project
● The package.json configuration file
● Global vs. Local package installation


● When to use Event Emitters
● Binding Functions to Events
● Event Requests
● Event Listening

Error Handling

● Callbacks: Error-first
● Errors in Event Emitters
● Uncaught Exceptions
● Using Domains

Working with asynchronous programming

● Asynchronous basics
● Callback functions
● Working with Promises
● Advance promises
● Using Request module to make api calls

Building a HTTP Server with Node.JS using HTTP APIs

● The HTTP protocol
● Building an HTTP server
● Rendering a response
● Processing query strings
● Processing posted data

File System

● Synchronous vs. Asynchronous I/O
● Path and directory operations
● __dirname and __filename
● Asynchronous file reads and writes

Buffers, Streams, and Events

● Using buffers for binary data
● Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
● Streaming I/O from files and other sources
● Processing streams asynchronously

Multi-Processing in NodeJS

● Working with Child Process API
● Working with Cluster API for multi-core servers


● The model-view- controller pattern
● Defining Jade templates
● Configuring Express
● Postman configuration
● Using REST
● JSON Data
● Reading POST data
● CRUD operations
● Adding middleware

Express js with Template Engines

● Jade/Pug
● Ejs
● Hoganjs
● Handlebars

Express JS with MongoDB

● How Node.js connects to databases
● RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
● Connecting to RDBMS and Mongodb databases
● Performing CRUD operations, The Front-end, and A Chat App

● Getting Started
● Adding To Your App
● Exploring The Front-end
● Sending Live Data Back & Forth
● Creating The Front-end UI
● Showing Messages In App
● Working With Time
● Timestamps
● Show Message Time In Chat App
● Chat application Project

Introduction to Task Managers with unit testing

● Working with gulp
● Working with grunt
● Working with unit and E2E testing

Web Technologies