Seema S

10th Aggregate in %: 
12th Aggregate in %: 
Degree Aggregate in %: 
Year of Graduation: 
Hi All, I am Seema and I have completed my B.E in computer science, 2016 Passed. Job and career are two words with a huge difference . Job anybody can get but build a career is difficult. Jspiders are one of the best institutes to choose if you want to set your career. Jspiders to me is my family I have been here for a really long time and today I am leaving Jspiders with a job in my hand and smile on my face. I would like to thank Mr. Sunil for the immense knowledge that has given me, not only Java but has guided me in the right path throughout. I would like to thank Mr. Mahesh for the guidance and support, he is a very friendly person, he has helped to build my knowledge and confidence. I would also like to thank our HR Manju sir for providing me this opportunity . I would like to thank Jeniffer Mam for the support and love. Jspiders are the best Plaw to choose and start your career. I am going to miss Jspiders. and would like to tell all my friends - All the best.!!!!