Niketh Kadam

10th Aggregate in %: 
12th Aggregate in %: 
Degree Aggregate in %: 
Year of Graduation: 
I am Niketh, being a student I stepped out of my engg. With a package of dreams just like a others. But when it comes to reality making a wish to become true is beyond my limits. At that particular moment I have lost my confidence and felt like being alone in a dark room. Then I’ve joined Jspiders which has done a logical not operation to my life which has boosted my confidence level. On coming to course side, there are well professional members like Raveesh sir, Rohit sir, and so on, they’ll take care of your knowledge in programming skills. Finally after getting suit up with programming skills we need a perfect platform to prove our worth, there comes the HR dept. Bharath sir knows what to do and when to do so maintain patience. Pain should become the seeds of success.