Enterprise Application Development

  • Java
    • JDK installation and setting up environment
    • Variables and Methods Operators in Java
    • Control flow statement in Java
    • Class and objects
    • Static and non-static blocks
    • Constructor and Constructor Overloading
    • Composition
    • Inheritance and types inheritance
    • Method overloading and Overriding
    • Abstract class and Java Interface
    • Type casting and types
    • Polymorphism o Encapsulation
    • Package and Access Specifiers
    • Exception Handling
    • Object class and its use
    • Strings in Java
    • Arrays
    • Collection Framework API libraries
    • Generics in Java o Threads in Java
    • File handling
    • Enumerations and Assertions
    • Class path, jar creation, Javadoc
    • DDL, DML & TCL statements
    • Operators o
    • Functions
    • Sub Queries and joins
    • Normalization
  • HTML
    • HTML Introduction
    • HTML Basic tags
    • HTML- Formatting
    • HTML Attributes
    • Meta tags
    • HTML Comments
    • HTML Images
    • HTML- Tables
    • HTML- Lists
    • HTML Text-Links
    • HTML Blocks
    • HTML Forms
    • HTML Embed- Multimedia
    • HTML Marquees
    • HTML Frames
  • CSS
    • CSS Overview
    • CSS Syntax
    • CSS Selectors
    • CSS Types
    • CSS Colors
    • CSS Backgrounds
    • CSS Fonts
    • CSS Table
    • CSS List
    • CSS BOX Model
    • CSS Padding
    • CSS Dimensions
    • CSS Pseudo Classes
  • Java Script
    • JS Overview
    • JS Syntax
    • JS Variables
    • JS Operators
    • JS Control Statements
    • JS Functions
    • JS Events
    • JS Dialog Boxes
    • JS Objects
    • JS Error & Exceptions
    • JS Form Validation
  • J2EE
    • JDBC
    • JSP
    • JDBC basics
    • Driver types
    • SQL query execution
    • Prepared statement
    • Result Set
    • Transaction Handling in JDBC
    • Connection Pool Concept
    • Tomcat installation
    • Basics of static web page
    • Dynamic web page
    • Introduction to Servlet Programming
    • Servlets life cycle
    • Session Management
    • Request and response headers
    • Basics of JSP development
    • JSP life cycle
    • JSP Architecture
    • JSP action tags


  • Hibernate
    • Hibernate Overview
    • Hibernate-ORM
    • Hibernate Architecture
    • Hibernate Environment Setup
    • Hibernate Configuration
    • Hibernate Session
    • Hibernate Mapping Files
    • Hibernate Mapping Types
    • Hibernate Annotation
    • Hibernate Query Language
  • Springs
    • Spring Overview
    • Spring Architecture
    • Spring dependency injection
    • Spring Auto Wiring
    • Spring ORM
    • MVC Architecture

Devops Development

     1. Basics of Chef
     2. Dockers
     3. Bit Bucket
     4. puppet
     5. Jenkins

Core Java
Web Technologies
Hibernate- Framework
Spring- Framework
Devops Development